Curing & Preservation

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Curing & Preservation 

Re-discover some of the age-old techniques of food preservation and how they can create, innovate and inspire you in the kitchen.  

This class does come with a health warning: once you have acquired the skills of curing & fermentation, it will become addictive.  

You will learn how to cure your own bacon & guanciale. 

Using the freshest seasonal fish, you will make gravadlax, pastrami-cured or beetroot cured fish.  

We will discuss dry aging bags and curing, fermenting and dry aging in your fridge. 

We will show and tell nduja, air dried meats & cheeses. 

We will talk about dehydrating ferments & uses in cooking, cured egg yolk and uses.  

We will discuss Garums - varieties, origins, times, temperatures, storages, and their uses. 

At the end, and throughout the course, there will be a tasting session of a variety of products we have talked about and made.   

To learn more about fermentation have a look at our other classes – Lactofermentation, Vinegar & Kombucha, Koji.

All ingredients, aprons, hot and cold drinks are provided

Please let us know of allergens or food intolerance when you book the class

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