Family Cooking By Fire

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Steak in flame
Steak in flame


Cooking with Fire & Smoke – Grilling with Kids - Family Friendly Fire Class

Do you enjoy family get togethers around a fire? Cooking and grilling with your kids?

Have you got younger children who want to learn more about grilling and bbq-ing?

When you cook with your kids, you get them involved with the food they eat.

By doing this you also promote healthy eating habits and their creativity.

More important, you might find out that your kids are more willing to try a variety of foods.

In this class we cover the basics of cooking with fire and smoke, starting the most important part – Safety! Playing with fire in the right way!

We have sourced miniature ceramic egg grills especially for this class to get the kids involved as much as possible. We will make use of grilling equipment like extra-long skewers and heat gloves to ensure safety is paramount while still being able to enjoy and have fun cooking with fire.

We will also cover preparations, marinades, and family friendly dishes that you can easily cook as a family at home or on holiday.

All ingredients, aprons, safety equipment, hot and cold drinks are provided.

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